Author Update December 2018


Welcome to my first ever author update!

This month, I would like to bring everyone up to speed on one of my next big projects: the long-awaited sequel to Battle Lines. Yes, it’s been a long road filled with many trials, but it’s finally happening. For now, all I will say is that the title of the novel is Battle Scars and that it will follow Banju and company as they experience a very different kind of war. There will be more on that project in future updates, so keep an eye out!

Before continuing its sequel, however, I have decided to briefly revisit Battle Lines and polish and rework it. I feel that this is necessary for a few reasons. One, Battle Lines was written early in my writing career. Now, this is not inherently a bad thing, but it does mean that there is some cringe-worthy dialogue and portions that went in a direction that I no longer wish to take the story. As such, some moments of dialogue are being tweaked or removed. The story and dialogue will not be perfect–I could spend the next few years trying to do that–but it will hopefully be a better and stronger reading experience. Additionally, these changes help Battle Lines fit better with the overall arc of the series. Oh, and there are about seventy-five percent less uses of the semicolon. I was really into that back in the day…

The biggest reason that I am revisiting Battle Lines is that I am planning to release Battle Lines and its sequels in audiobook form! That process has already begun, and if all goes well, it will be released early next year. Check back for more updates!

The revised version of Battle Lines is tentatively set to be released in paperback and Kindle form by mid-January. I will let you all know a specific date and where to preorder it in my next update. Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to sharing many more exciting things with you in the coming year!

~ Andrew Furstenberg

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